Celestia's Tales: The Lybiria Scales Page 15
'Do you think we should go in?' Clues said, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
They had been staring at the wood for what seemed a lifetime and though the sun was not at its height the heat was still strong.
'You know what she is like. She will call,' Orlson said almost to himself.
They had tried to call Xander to stop, but they had been ignored, which had left them unsure of what to do next. At the end of the day, their loyalty was to their own. A movement in the trees alerted them as two Ebonies emerged. Eyes on one, holding an empty one, galloping toward them.
'Where is Bri?' Orlson asked as he approached.
'We met a fae called Dorcas, she is taking Bri to stop the Prince from getting to Demeter,' Eyes rushed.
'But why?' Clues asked.
'Dryad is trying to take the throne and he can't while Xander is alive.'
'And we are to do what exactly?' Orlson asked.
Eyes pulled out a wooden whistle from his pocket and gave it to Clues.
'Wait, only Bri can call the Crux,' Orlson said, causing Clues to shift uncomfortably on his unicorn.
'Bri made it so two people can call her. So I can as well,' he said softly.
'Oh I see,' Orlson said trying not to sound hurt. 'It makes sense I suppose, you being the First Mate.'
But it did hurt. He always considered that when it came down to it, it was him and her together, then the others. But to trust another with her pride and joy was almost treason in his mind.
When her father had built the ship he had saved the last piece of wood and fashioned a whistle from it. Then at the Crux's baptism he had employed old gypsy magick to connect the whistle to the ship and hence whoever used it the ship would automatically sail to its owner. Bri had obviously had the magick changed and had not even mentioned it to him. The one she told everything to.
'Bri wants you to call the Crux, get her ready and wait for her to return. Then we go to Hades,' Eyes continued.
Clues took the whistle and turning toward the sea he blew. No sound came from it, but a moment later a sudden breeze enveloped them as she came into view like a dog bounding to her master. As it got close to them Decks appeared with the Trio at his side.
'You called,' he yelled smiling. As they climbed aboard Decks began to grumble. 'I wish you could fashion that thing so I could have some warning. I was in the middle of cleaning the deck and all of a sudden the sails are down and off we go. Talk about giving an old dwarf heart failure.'
It was then Orlson realised he was in the fact the only one who did not know that Clues had the ability to use the whistle. Bri had chosen not to tell him and he wanted to know why.
Since separating from Briganti and her party, Xander and Surrial had managed to gather pace and now the smell of fires burning started to hit them. Over the tree tops they could see the sun-filled sky now raged red and black as smoke and flames hit the sky. Xander could hear the screams and shouts and he brought his Ebony to a stop.
'You do not have to go, I can go and see what the situation is like first,' Surrial offered.
'No. I must stand and fight for my...ow!'
Xander grabbed his arm as he fell from his unicorn to the floor. It felt as though he was being dragged by the arm from an unseen force. Then, suddenly, a scream and a weight hit his body and all he could see was a shock of familiar red hair.
'Briganti,' he said, astonishment giving way to his earlier anger. But then he remembered and pushed her roughly from him.
'What are you doing and how did you get here?' he snapped dusting the sand from his clothes.
'My lord, it was I that brought her,' Dorcas said bowing her head.
She had landed with much more grace than Bri and was still on her feet. Xander looked at the fae in disbelief.
'Dorcas,' he said. 'It has been years.'
'I take it you know each other?' Bri said a little disgruntled that Dorcas had received a better reception then she.
She watched them both embrace as Surrial came to her side. 'She is the princess of the fae’s. She and my lord were playmates as children.'
Bri tried to hide her surprise from the angel, but she knew by his smile she had not managed it. Then his smile fell from his lips as he lifted his head, looking towards the edge of the wood.
'I hate to break up this happy reunion, but we should really be going.'
'He is right,' Dorcas agreed, her own eyes watching the wood. 'Dryad is at the palace now, but is unable to wear the crown until you are dead. You need to leave here now.'
Xander pulled away from her, his face beginning to twist in anger.
'I am not leaving. I am going up there to kill him,' he said defiantly.
'You kill him, you’ll lose the Scales and we all die. He is a powerful man my lord. He will crush you,' Dorcas replied.
And for the first time since Bri had known him Surrial nodded in agreement.
'It is better for us we get the Scales first. Once we have them, he will lose his hold on us.'
She stood in amazement at the way Dorcas worked Surrial to her point of view. However, Xander was proving harder to convince as he made his way towards his Ebony.
'I am not a coward. I will not run like one.'
Dorcas suddenly grabbed Bri sharply by the arm. 'Kiss him,' she hissed.
'What?' Bri looked at her. 'Why?'
'I am a fae so it will not work. Mer charm is stronger and potent. It will knock him cold.'
'Something is coming,' Surrial said urgently.
His wings were now open and ready for combat. The white feathers glistened in the sunlight and Bri had a moment to appreciate their beauty.
'I can't,' Bri said. 'I don't know how to use them.'
Dorcas pulled her towards her. Her face was still calm, but her brown eyes were flashing almost black with impatience.
'Close your eyes and summon up the very thing you want the most. Then kiss him. You can and must do it.'
Bri did what she asked. At first she felt nothing and she closed her eyes tighter. She had to focus. Then, slowly a warm tingle began to build up inside her stomach slowly working its way through her body. In her mind’s eye she pictured her heart’s desire and then opening her eyes she felt her whole being was on fire.
She turned towards Xander, who in turn had stopped mid-mount. He began to walk towards her almost like a zombie. Bri could not believe it was working. She grabbed his body and pushed her lips on to his. His body gave a small shudder then went limp in her arms. As she let him fall, she saw Surrial and Dorcas walking backwards slowly towards them. She looked to where their eyes were fixed and frowned. Why were the woods on fire? Then she saw inside the flames there were figures.
'Salamanders,' Surrial hissed.
She watched his hands work in a circular motion forming a ball of pale blue-green light. He then threw it and she saw the first line of the salamanders explode into smoldering dust. But there were more behind them.
'Where is your ship?' Dorcas whispered through clenched teeth.
'Where we met you,' Bri replied.
'I can carry the Prince,' Surrial offered.
'Well do it,' she ordered.
They watched as Surrial gathered Xander into his arms, and spreading his wings out like a majestic eagle he rose into the sky.
'What if we go into the water?' Dorcas suggested.
'We can't. I'll change,' Bri protested.
'Well I am no angel ,I cannot take passengers.'
'Can't we dissipate?' Bri asked.
She could now smell the burning of foliage and wood as the salamanders grew closer.
'Well do you have something of the ship?' Dorcas asked hope filing her face.
Bri reached around her neck, her heart sinking as she realised she had given the whistle to Eyes.
'No I don't,’ she said.
'Don't be sscared my lady. Dryad wantss you alive,' one of the salamanders hissed.
'Don't faes do magick?' Bri asked, desperately.
'I can't do this on my own,' Dorcas answered.
'Well for Hecate’s sake try something,' Bri demanded.
Dorcas moved away from her. 'WATER!' she shouted.
She was right, it was not enough. It merely knocked a couple to the floor and made them even angrier. Suddenly, a salamander flew towards them with great force causing the two princesses to scream and grab for one another.
Chapter Thirteen